Art is something which encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations and modes of expression including music, literature, film, sculpture and paintings. Do you know how many types of arts are there? A lot,
if we start listing types of art then we can’t finish it very soon. Here, I
have some of the them .The different types of art include: Drawing, Sculpture,
Architecture, Printmaking, Painting, Electronic media such as Computer and
Digital graphics, Visual design, Graphic design, collage, Photography and
Post-modern appropriation, Re-Contextualisation, Happenings, Installation, Land
Art, Video Art, Body Art, Conceptual Art, Fine Art, and Creative Art and many
more. I know it is still long list but the question is
that is learning art easy? Some may say yes, other may say no. But I would
say nothing is hard if you are eager and passionate to learn something. First
thing you should ask your self is what type of art do you want to learn? If you
want to learn Drawing and Painting then you are at right place.
The main and basic part of pencil shading is moving your pencil
back and forth gently.
First with a very little force press your pencil lead on paper and then move your pencil smoothly
like butter to other side,as shown in picture.Let the graphite get spread on paper in even tone.For now just keep trying doing normal shade.I would suggest you to buy basic shading book which re extremely helpful for beginners and are in budget too.In next post we will talk about drawing shapes and shade in them.Until that keep practising..!